Attention All Dog Walkers


Attention All Dog Sitters


Attention All Dog Walkers 〰️ Attention All Dog Sitters 〰️

Program for

Dog Walkers and

Dog Sitters

to Make Extra Money

Sign In Bellow

Dog Walker & Dog Sitter Plan

Dog Walker & Dog Sitter Plan

  • Dog walkers/ sitters join program

  • Buy into the program $15

    • Receive your own City Paw Cleaner at cost

    • Receive cards with your reference number to pass out to clients

  • City Paw will sale for Reg. Price of $25

  • Walkers/Sitters will sale at special price of $20 to clients

  • Each walker/sitter will receive 35% commission ($7)

  • No need to have sale experience just use the City Paw customers will buy

  • The ability to pay such a large commission is because walkers/sitters are buying into the program

What Makes the City Paw Different

In designing the City Paw Cleaner, all problems of the existing dog paw cleaners on the market were addressed and improved to make the City Paw Cleaner There is a great emotional connection to the creation of the City Paw Cleaner, about a beloved dog that passed away.

  • wash pad that gets in between dog pads, toes, and nails.

  • It is an efficient cleaner because of the spray mechanism giving water control to the user whereas the dog paws cleaners on the market there is no control of water.

  • The City Paw Cleaner has a drainage system that stops dirt/grim falling from the dog’s paw getting on the floor or surrounding area

  • The City Paw Cleaner has a separation of the clean water reservoir, cleaning platform and the dirty water that comes from the dog’s paws gets drained into a separate compartment.

  • The City Paw Cleaner has a cleaning platform which enables the user to have better control of the dog’s paw.

City Paw Cleaner
Live In Action

With the explanation of this great sale program to make extra money, let’s not negate the fact that this product will be a great addition to your service as a dog walker or a dog sitter. Your client will appreciate the extra care to their dog and house. .

Sign Up

Dog Walkers


Dog Sitters



($7)per each
